I don't know who this guy is or how he got on my contact list. I've tried deleting and blocking him from imo on my tablet but he still manages to message me.
Block Contacts on imo Using iPhone 1. Open imo on your iPhone or iPad. Once you are in imo, tap on the Chats tab located at the bottom left corner of your screen. Next, tap on the Chat of the Person that you want to block on imo. On the Chat screen, tap on the Contacts Name located at.
I logged into my hotmail account from Outlook.com and deleted him from my contact list and hepopped right back up. I don't use Outlook software or any MS Office software.
How To Block Imo Contact In Iphone
- Aug 3, 2016 - IMO.IM has updated their Windows Phone app to version 1.04.0. View Photo Album of your contacts; Delete Contact from IMO; Real Time.
- Imo पर किसी contact को block & unblock करने का तरीका आपको पसंद आये तो इस पोस्ट को शेयर करना ना भूलें। शेयर करने के लिए नीचे शेयर बटन की सुविधा उपलब्ध है। इस साइट पर हम.
How To Remove Imo Block Contact
I don't understand anything about this switchover because I don't even use my hotmail email. I only signed up with it about 10 years ago so I could use MSN Messenger with a few ofmy friends who used it when our chat room was down for maintenance. Since getting my new tablet, I have been using imo to log into all my messenger accounts. Msn, yahoo, icq, aim, jabber, etc. And this guy has started simply being annoying at first, buthe's getting to be pretty nasty and I can't find an option anywhere to report an abusive user or contact and I can't remove him from my list. He keeps talking about be. and stuff like that.
Imo Contact List
I keep trying to block him and delete him, and he's not in mybuddy list on imo, but I can't seem to delete him from Outlook.com so I assume that's why he can still harass me. I really hate to stop using the service, since I got it because I have a few friends who will ONLY use this, which is why I signed up for my hotmailin the first place. Thanks Kat -'.